To ensure that your email campaigns do not go spam please check the following:
- Verify that your SPF, DKIM & DMARC setup
- Set up valid reverse DNS records of your IP addresses and website
- Tweak your email campaigns
- Monitor your bounce list
To ensure that your email campaigns do not go spam please check the following:
Enabling the option to stop auto follow-ups for all recipients if any one of them replies will halt the entire sequence for everyone once a single recipient answers.
Bounced emails result from permanent (hard) or temporary (soft) delivery issues, like invalid addresses or server downtime. To protect email reputation in marketing campaigns, it’s vital to monitor bounce rates and remove addresses causing hard bounces.
Purchasing email lists can lead to various challenges, including legal issues, reputational damage, and potential breaches of email marketing platforms’ policies. Such lists may also contain unfamiliar recipients, leading to higher bounce rates and flagged spam concerns. Instead of buying lists, it’s advisable to organically grow your email base, focusing on quality content and utilizing tools like Export Emails to Sheets to streamline and manage the process. This approach not only ensures better email deliverability but also bolsters sender reputation, driving more successful email campaigns.
This support note explains why mailto links are not desired.