Save Emails to Google Drive allows you save and archive emails to any Google Drive folder. However, there are some limitations and requirements. Limitations Your labels and sub-labels cannot have /, +, \, special characters, or emojis in their names. For example, instead of Emails/Clients, use Emails – Clients. Your labels cannot be named INBOX. For example, instead […]
Articles Tagged: requirements
Save and Share Emails: Limitations and requirements
Limitations Your labels or sub-labels must not have “/“, “+“, “\“, special characters, or emojies in its name. For example, if your label name is “Inbox/Clients” please rename that label to “Inbox – Clients”. \ back slash in the label name / forward slash in the label name * asterisk in the label name double […]
How does label sharing replicate deletion and un-labeling of email messages?
The behavior is controlled by the option replicate deletion as un-label / archive: If you turn on the replicate deletion as un-label / archive setting, here’s how email deletions are handled: If user A deletes an email (either moves it to trash or deletes it permanently), then it will be archived for user B. If […]
Gmail Label and Email Sharing: limitations and requirements
Gmail Label and Email Sharing allows you to share labels (and emails) as you would share folders in Google Drive (or Dropbox). However, there are some limitations and requirements. Limitations Your labels or sub-labels must not have “/“, “+“, “\“, special characters, or emojis in their name. For example, if your label name is “Inbox/Clients” […]