Table of Contents


Google Sheets has introduced a new feature in the formatting menu called “Convert to Table”. By selecting your data range and going to Format > Convert to table, Sheets now does the heavy lifting to format and organize data with a polished design including column types, filters, color coding, dropdown menus and more.

  1. Select your data range in Google Sheets.
  2. Navigate to Format.
  3. Choose Convert to table.
  4. Sheets will then automatically format and organize your data, offering a sophisticated design that incorporates:
    • Change column type: Help keep your data structured by setting column types to dates, people chips, drop-downs, and more.
    • Create custom views: Group rows by a selected value, and create filter views to analyze a subset of data without altering what collaborators see.
    • Personalize your tables: Make your table stand out with a custom name and color palette.

How Using Tables Reduces Manual Formatting Time

Auto-applied formatting: When you convert your data to a table, Sheets automatically applies formatting to polish your data so that all inputs are properly aligned, reducing the need for manual changes. You can further customize your table by changing colors, readjusting the row height, and more.

Column types: For each column, you can set the appropriate column type (e.g., date, currency, dropdown), and your table will ensure all entered data has the right formatting based on the column type. Data entered that does not align with a set column type will result in a warning.

Unified menu: Above the table, you will see a menu option to manage table-level settings (e.g., adjust table range) and take action (e.g., create a filter view for your table).

Table references: Table references are a special way to refer to a table or parts of a table in a formula. When you convert your data to a table, Sheets provides a name for the table and each column header. When you reference table elements by name, the references update whenever you add or remove data from the table. For example: Instead of explicit cell references:

=COUNTIF(B2:B10, “P0”)

you can use table references

=COUNTIF(Task_table[Priority_column], “P0”)

The above formula is used in Google Sheets to count the number of cells in a specified column of a table that meet a certain condition. Here’s a breakdown of what each part of the formula does:

  • =COUNTIF: This is a Google Sheets function that counts the number of cells within a range that meet a single condition.
  • Task_table[Priority_column]: This refers to a specific column within a named table called Task_table.

    • Task_table: The name of the table.
    • [Priority_column]: The name of the column within the table. This column is being referenced to apply the condition.
  • “P0”: This is the condition that we want to count. It specifies that we are counting the number of cells in the Priority column that have the value “P0”.

When you are using tables, you’ll also have access to our new type of view, group by, where you can aggregate your data into groups based on a selected column. For instance, you can decide to group all data at the same priority level in one place.

Pre-built Tables

Google is now offering pre-designed tables which users can fill with frequently used data for tasks such as project management, inventory control, event organization, and beyond. With these pre-built tables available, creating a spreadsheet from the ground up is no longer necessary.

Benefits of Using Tables

Tables will transform the way teams organize their data, simplify data creation, and reduce the repetitive tasks needed to format, input, and update data. They also allow teams to confidently share data widely while maintaining its integrity and consistency.

Tables are well suited for tracking and organizing information such as project tracking, event planning, and inventory management.

Additional Features

  • Change column type: Help keep your data structured by setting column types to dates, people chips, drop-downs and more.
  • Create custom views: Group rows by a selected value, and create filter views to analyze a subset of data without altering what collaborators see.
  • Personalize your tables: Make your table stand out with a custom name and color palette.