If you own another email address, you can send mail as that address. For example:

  • Your work, school, or business domain or alias, like @yourschool.edu or youralias@gmail.com
  • Yahoo, Outlook, or other non-Gmail address
  • Another Gmail address

Here are the steps.

Add an address you own

Enable sending from your other email. Go to settings, and then under the “Accounts” tab:

Click for higher resolution image

An email will be sent to the email specified under “another email address” to authorize these users to send emails.

Confirm the address

  1. Sign in to the account you added.
  2. Open the confirmation message you got from Gmail.
  3. Click the link.

Change the “From” address

After authorization, check that “Reply from the same address the message was sent to” is enabled:


Click for higher resolution image

The Google Support note on this topic can be found here: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/22370?hl=en